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m/s alta






The Galapagos National Park has approved the following dates for full diving cruises to Wolf & Darwin Islands on the ALTA: 2010, for FIT, individuaals bookings and charters

new,low price deals, gives us a call for more info.

full diving, includes Wolf & Darwin islands 2010
May 15-22 fit's
July 03-10 fit's
July 17-24 available for charter
July 24-31 available for charter
Sept 11-18 fit's
Oct 02-09 fit's
Nov 20-27 fit's

Below are the rates and the itinerary of the 7 nights / 8 days cruise:


For FIT's bookings (individuals)


Cabins 1 & 2:

USD $ 3,750 p/p

Cabins 3 – 8:

USD $ 3,550 p/p


Check our low prices for charters,adding the following expenses:

Air Tickets to and from the Galapagos Islands, $420

Galapagos National Park Entrance Fee USD $100

Transit Control Card USD $10

fuel surcharge $150


RATES ; USD $56,000




M/S alta


Day 1: Saturday
Morning: Arrive San Cristobal Island :
Afternoon: San Cristobal : Isla Lobos (check dive)

Day 5: Wednesday
Morning: Wolf Island (diving)
Afternoon: Wolf Island (diving)

Day 2: Sunday
Morning: North Seymour Island (diving)
Afternoon: Cousins Rock (diving)

Day 6: Thursday
Morning: Isabela Island : Cape Marshall (diving)
Afternoon: Santiago Island : James Bay

Day 3: Monday
Morning: Wolf Island (diving)
Afternoon: Wolf Island (diving)

Day 7: Friday
Morning: Santa Cruz : Gordon Rocks (diving)
Afternoon: Santa Cruz : Charles Darwin Research Station

Day 4: Tuesday
Morning: Darwin Island (diving)
Afternoon: Darwin Island (diving)

Day 8: Saturday
Morning: San Cristobal :  Depart for Mainland Ecuador

**There will be approximately 2-3 dives per day.

For all Galapagos diving departures there will be 2 dive masters / naturalists onboard the ALTA to take the group out to the dive sites in 2 dinghies. Crew members onboard the ALTA during these weeks are trained for diving cruises and there will also be first aid equipment and emergency equipment onboard specific to diving situations. Please inquire with us for more information.

IMPORTANT NOTE ON ITINERARIES: Galapagos itineraries are subject to change without notice for various factors including but not limited to: safety, weather, mechanical breakdown, unforeseen emergencies, and the discretion of the Captain, Guide, Dive Master,  Dives as scheduled may change depending on conditions, the ability of the divers and the determination of the dive master on board.

For our Galapagos diving, we will be installing an air compressor on the Alta for all dive departures, allowing for sufficient air bottles for the 2 or 3 daily dives.  However, there will only be 12 Nitrox bottles available for use throughout the week as the nitrox air compressor cannot be installed on the vessel. These nitrox bottles will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis, at a cost of $8 per bottle. Please request to reserve these when you make a booking for your client(s) interested in Nitrox.

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