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General Travel Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following are the information for our general Galapagos diving , or Ecuador tours and Ecuador travel, General Travel InformationThe Luggage can not be more than 20 Kilos (44 pounds) of luggage (one suitcase) may be checked on flights to or from the Galapagos Islands.. These restrictions do not include small carry-on flight bags or camera cases. Cruise: Clothing for travel in the Galapagos, clothing ranges from informal to very informal. Essentials include sneakers, shorts, long- and short-sleeve lightweight shirts, bathing suit, a wide-brimmed hat, long pants, and a wind breaker or light jacket for evenings. Be sure to bring sunscreen, sunglasses and plenty of film.Most walking ashore is over rocky lava terrain. Therefore tennis shoes, sneakers or walking shoes are recommended. Galapagos National Park Admission Fee: Is US$100 per person. The fee must be paid upon arrival at the airport in Galapagos (rate is subject to change without notice) LOCAL TIMEGMT minus 6 hours in the Galapagos Islands. GMT minus 5 hours on mainland Ecuador. Safety: All safety and fire prevention measures have been implemented on all vessels. .MEALS Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included. Wine, beer and soft drinks are extra. Bottled water is supplied aboard the Yachts. Required Documents: According to Ecuadorian Immigration regulations, every foreign passenger entering the Country must have a passport with a time validity of at least 6 months from the day of arrival to Ecuador. Please make sure your passport is valid for 6 months. No visa is necessary for U.S. citizens or citizens of most other countries. Please check your individual situation with your travel agent, tour operator or local Consulate. We advise you make copies of all your important documents (visa, passport, credit cards, air tickets, etc.). In case they are lost, it will make replacement much easier. We recommend eating lightly the first day (if arrival city is Quito). Due to altitude you might suffer some digestive problems, as well as light dizziness. Customs According to Ecuadorian laws, any person that enters the country temporarily is exempt from the payment of any customs duty. This means that you should not pay any taxes or duties for your luggage, new or used articles that you will use during your trip, and portable items such as photo cameras, video cameras, laptops, radios and CD players. Aside from the limitations set by each airline. For the TAME flight to the islands there are strict weight restrictions. You are permitted two pieces of check in luggage weighing no more than 20 Kg (44 pounds). One piece should be sufficient. You are permitted one carry on. The currency: Is the US Dollar. Electricity: 110 volts, 60 cycles AC Banks: Are open to the public from 9:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs. Some ATM's located throughout the city.Shopping The Galapagos Islands waters have the Humboldt Current's influence that brings cold waters especially during the mist rainy season (cool weather) from July to December. The warm season is during the months of January to June. The southeast trade winds become weaker and the water from the Panama Basin remains warm. During this season there is more of a tropical climate with some occasional rains. "El Niño" current may cause a much greater flow of warm waters, making the surface warmer and rainfall increase. Average Water Temperature January - June: 70°F - 80°F (20C - 26C)July - December: 65°F - 75°F (18C- 23C) Galapagos National Park - Rules and Regulations: Galapagos National Park rules are very strict and a way to keep the Islands intact for your enjoyment and that of future generations. You might think some of those rules excessive, but have in mind, that only in this way this unique archipelago will last for years to come. As one of the rules of the National Park, a naturalist guide will be with you at all times. He or she will tell you what you can and what you cannot do while visiting the islands. Please obey their instructions on this respect. The most important rules are the following: 1. Always follow the marked trail and never leave it. 2. Do not touch the animals. 3. Do not take souvenirs from the islands. 4. Do not get too close to animals. 5. Do not litter. 6. Do not smoke on the islands. 7. Do not take food to the islands. 8. Clean your shoes' soles before disembarking in the islands. You may have carried some seeds endemic to one island and would not want to introduce them to another. 9. Always stay together with your group.
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Calling hours 09:00 to 17:00 Mon-Fri, GMT -5 hrs, eastern times----Anytime International callers 001-305-332-3099
Toll Free in the USA & Canada:1-800-4260802__ Telefax: 954-967-2547
Main Office: 6306 SW 23 St. Suite 100 Miramar FL 33023 USA
Branch Offices in Quito and Santa Cruz Island-Galapagos-Ecuador
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