Galapagos Divers

New packages and spaces updated Sep 09/2008

Galapagos Diving and Naturalist Packages 2008- Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Quito, Hotels, Transfers

We specialize in customized vacations, call us for personal service:, 09:00 AM to 19:00 PM EST

We are open 7 days a week

hammarheads sharks

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Toll Free in the USA & Canada 1-800-426-0802
International calers 001-305-332-3099
Telefax 954 967 2547--This Page is updated every week

All Yachts posted on this page are presently having all permits to operate with FIT's and full diving charters, booking are made many months in advance, but we also have new economical land-diving alternatives, more economical, all included, please check below our new packages from Cristobal island and Santa Cruz island, great diving and multisport options,check our Christmas holiday packages.

For our Galapagos diving, and naturalists tours, besides the scheduled days you choose, you need to allow at least 2 extra days and nights in mainland Ecuador,either Quito or Guayaquil cities, 1 day for the International inbound flight prior to the Galapagos departure, which are in the mornings,and another day, for the International outbound flight.A dream trip must be planned a way in advance, either a naturalist, or a diving one especially during holiday seasons.Our travel specialists will be happy to answer any questions you may have, that are not mentioned on our website, we reccomend you to read most of the information on our naturalist and diving tours frequent asked questions.

Whale shark

IMPORTANT NOTE:The liveaboard diving yachts listed below are the only ones operating with permits from the Galapagos Park Administration, in the future , probably next year, we will post any other yacht that will start operating regular diving cruises , meanwhile we can help you booking with the following luxury yachts: the Aggressors, Skydancer, M/S Alta. Cruising the well known islands of Wolf and Darwin. With less land excursions the Northern route is reccomended for experienced divers only . it is reccomended to book in advance, below you find a guideline of dates, if the dates doesn't match with your plans,we can help you with our new options, the land-based diving trips listed above.Galapagos diving became popular for divers of all levels,we promote the best and most prestigious diving Yachts. The prices on this list are subject to change and do not include: the International airfare, airfare to Galapagos, the Galapagos Park entrance fee, decompression chamber fee, Ecuador departure taxes, Crew and guide tips, overnight Hotel and transfers. We offer ALL INCLUSIVE options when you book any of our special packages. The diving cruise or naturalist trip price you pay when you book with us, is the same as if you buy it from the supplier. The difference is that when you book a tour or package with us, we make sure that you will receive the best Hotel accommodations and ensure the Quito/Glpgs/Quito flight reservations, transfers and a enjoyable diving experience in the Islands is what you get. We represent the Yachts with best reputation and experience specially in the diving business. We have over 25 years experience with diving in the Galapagos!

diving boat
Santa Cruz island-Hotel-based-diving tours . The following packages are specially for divers who want to enjoy with more options out of the inhabitated islands, staying in a hotel at night and go on our daily diving trips to the best dive sites, you don't need to book a liveaboard diving yacht many months in advance, prices are much lower than live-aboard Yachts, you will see places not visited by regular liveaboard boats,we help you to arrange a custom tour for you, just choose the dates . Join our hotel-based diving groups , in our fast boat for up to eight divers, with our highly trained divemasters !!

Land-Based diving from Santa Cruz Island, packages from $2.480

These Packages are based on double accomodations includes;Quito-Ecuador arrival, transfers to first class hotel, overnight, transfers to Airport, Airfare Quito/Glpgs/Quito. ; Santa Cruz Tourist class Hotel breakfast and lunch box, optional dinner, 7days/6nights diving tour; 2 dives per day; return and transfer to first class Hotel in Quito overnight, transfer to Airport for flight to home city,you choose the dates. read Itineraries


Land-based diving from Cristobal,Floreana,Isabela,Santa Cruz Islands, packages from $2.780

New.......This new and diverse Itinerary,a land-based diving Galapagos trip includes daily visits to the central and southern islands and overnights in inhabitated island hotels. This is a multisport activity , with 1 dive daily, snorkeling, mountain biking, trekking ,kayaking and horseback riding. This unique tour combines the best of Galapagos nature, marine fauna, adventure weekly departures arriving Quito-Ecuador Mondays read Itineraries our boat and availability.

We make arragements for private groups, 6 paxes minumun.

Cristobal island

Combined 4 days Amazon Jungle and 5 days land-based diving Galapagos- prices from $ 3,480 For these packages you need to begin the Amazon jungle resort on fridays, adventure weekly departures arriving in Quito-Ecuador thursdays .

You can experience the best of our combined 4 days/3nights Amazon Jungle tour and 5D/4N Galapagos diving along the best dive sites, 2 dives per day read Itinerary


Galapagos-Ecuador extensions


Otavalo market

Galapagos diving, and mainland Ecuador extensions trips are the best options to enjoy your vacation, in such a small country,with a variety of climates,regions,a chain of volcanoes, with a multicultural ethnic groups, like nowhere else in southamerica. where you can view much of this compact country in just few days, you can find the golden coast region, the dense amazon jungle rainforest and its superb lodges resorts ,the andean chain of volcanic landscapes and the enchanted Galapagos Islands.


2008 Prices Cabins 1 & 2: USD $4,650

Cabins 3 – 8: USD $4,450FIT Fuel Surcharge is: USD $306 (per person)

M/S Alta Itinerary


spaces 2008

September 27 – October 4 / 2008

October 4 – 11 / 2008, October 11 – 18 / 2008

Call us to check availabilty. Spaces are sold every day.




Spaces 2008----

All spaces for 2008 are sold out

call us for spaces in 2009

Jan 4 - 11--1 female space
Jan 18 - 25   1 male space
Jan 25 - Feb 1-  2 male spaces---- Feb 8 - 15-- 4 spaces----- Feb 15 - 22- 1 female space----- Feb 22 - Mar 1- 1 male , 1 female space--- March 1 - 8-          12 spaces--- March 8 - 15--12 spaces---- Mar 15 - 22--4 spaces---- April 26 - May 3 --1 F space--- May 10 - 17- 5 spaces---- Sept 13 - 20- 1 male space--- Dec 13 - 20    12 spaces---- Dec 20 - 27--12 spaces--- Dec 27 - Jan 3-- 2 spaces

SKY DANCER and Itinerary

prices are for the Yacht space only

2008- DeLuxe cabins prices are $3,495 or master cabin $ 3,795 depending on cabin, plus a new fuel sucharge of $160

Prices for 2009,$3,795 or $3,995

on our luxury yachts: the Aggressors, Skydancer, Nemo I & II. Cruising the well known islands of Wolf and Darwin. With less land excursions the Northern route is reccomended for experienced divers only . There are very few Yachts with northern Itineraries and it is reccomended to book in advance, below you find a guideline of dates, if the dates doesn't match with your plans,we can help you with other Yachts, remember also you can have the option with land-based diving trips listed above.

Aggressor 2

All spaces for 2008 sold out

2009----Feb 12-19 (space for 1 female-----Mar 19-20 (space for 1 female ----April 2-9 (14 spaces------ April 9-16 (3 spaces---April 16-23 (6 spaces----April 30-May 7 (1 male only-----May 21-28 (3 spaces----May 28-June 4 (1 female only)----Dec 10-17 (14 spaces-----Dec 17-24 (14 space for as many as 14 guests)-----Dec 24-31 (14 spaces

For experienced divers only.


Aggressor 1 Aggressors Itineraries, Yachts information

prices for Galapagos Aggressors 2009

master cabin $ 4.095,deluxe cabin $4295, click the link above for more information on the Itinerary

prices are for the Yacht space only and are including Wolf and darwin islands.

The spaces changes every day. Call us and we will work with diligence to assure your Galapagos trip of a lifetime! We work on your budget, even if you want an mainland Ecuador extension to the Amazon Jungle,Quito city tour, Otavalo Indian Market, Hiking to the Volcano Cotopaxi, or to a Middle of the World Tour. We will always be ready to help you, just call us or click here Reservations

We believe in a very responsible tourism, specially with scuba diving activities, our goal is to share and educate our clients to be in harmony with the delicate environmental ecosystem of the Galapagos islands and the Andean Region in general, we are also the first diving tour operator who work with the safety and accident prevention with our clients, taking clients comments very seriously.

TOLL US 1 800-426 0802 Miami local # 305 332 3099

If you would like to receive our promotions and the latest news from Galapagos,suscribe to our Newsletter.


galapagos_ map


Worldwide Bookings
e-mail Contact Us

Galapagos Divers Inc.
PO.BOX 312 Hallandale FL 33008
Miami local # 1-305-332-3099

Toll Free in the USA & Canada:1-800-4260802
Telefax: 954-967-2547

Branch Offices in Quito and Santa Cruz Island-Galapagos-Ecuador
International callers 001-305-332 3099

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Headquatered Offices 6306 SW 23 St. Miramar Suite #100 Fl 33023 USA Telefax 1-954-967 2547 Toll Free 1 800-426-0802
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